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Chimney Repairs in Syracuse, NY

residential chimney repair in syracuse
Professional Chimney Repair and Construction with Over 45 Years of Experience

At Block Solid Masonry, we specialize in solving all your chimney problems with expertise gained over 45 years in the industry. Whether you need new chimney construction or professional chimney repair, we’ve got you covered. We have experience in replacing chimney crowns and repointing brickwork to complete chimney rebuilds in all of Syracuse, NY. Our skilled team ensures the job is done right the first time!

modern affordable chimney repair syracuse
Chimney Repairs

Loose bricks, cracked bricks and open mortar joints are a sure sign that water is making its way into the chimney. This will greatly weaken the structure of the chimney and compromise the integrity of the mortar joints and deteriorate bricks or cinder blocks. Unfortunately the longer this issue goes unnoticed, the more it increases the odds that the chimney will have to be rebuilt.

Chimney Rebuilds

If your chimney is beyond repair, it will more than likely need to be rebuilt. We will take the chimney down to a course of brick or block to where the chimney is structurally sound. This can be above or below the chimney's flashing. In some rebuilds the chimney flashing will have to be replaced.

Chimney Flashing

When the chimney flashing needs to be replaced. We put an ice and water barrier underlament 3 feet around the perimeter of the chimney, step flash and counter flash. Insuring a water tight seal. We also have other flashing options available.

Our Chimney Services

• Chimney inspection.
• Crown repair or replacement.
• Cap repair or replacement.
• Chimney flue replacement.
• Tuck point grinding.
• Chimney repointing.
• Stucco repair.
• Flashing repair or replacement.
• Chimney footing replacement.
• Chimney rebuilds with brick, block, culture stone and natural stone.
• Brick and stone restoration.
• New construction fireplace. New construction chimney.

We understand chimney rebuilds can be very costly. We can go over several options to fit your budget!

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